Monday, March 29, 2010

Amoeba joins UNIQUE LA!

Attention indie rockers, metal heads, vinyl vampires, record collectors, Amoebaphiles... It's official, Amoeba will be creating a two-day Pop Up location downtown as part of the UNIQUE LA Spring Show!
Yep, this means that UNIQUE LA fans can browse and take part in workshops for hours upon end while their cranky lovers/friends/room mates/kids can enjoy thumbing through vinyl and hanging out. After all, there's only so long some people can look at jewelry and organic lotions before freaking out... Though of course UNIQUE LA also offers free drinks and a hosted bar. ;)

Like Johnny and June, this is truly a perfect pairing!


rock scissor paper said...

Awesome! Now maybe my boyfriend will finally come to Unique LA!

Desiree B. said...

Sounds like a great idea.

Matt Spangler said...

Very Cool!

Combustion Glassworks said...

great.. so i will officially make NO PROFIT! lol!

Chocolate and Steel said...

cool! This will definitely help in getting my husband to come help out:)

NAOMI said...

Hell yeah :) I'm sure the husbands and boyfriends will love this new partnership! Now they'll be able to browse through records while the girls hunt for jewelry :)